Here is a general month-by-month breakdown of what you can expect during your pregnancy, this explanation is the map and expected direction of what is supposed to happen during the next 40 weeks:
1st month: You may even know you are pregnant and you may not experience any symptoms during the first month. Your baby is still very small, and your uterus and cervix are preparing for pregnancy.
2nd month: You may start to experience some symptoms, such as morning sickness, fatigue, and breast changes. Your baby's organs are developing and the placenta is forming.
3rd month: Your baby's bones are developing and your baby is starting to move around. You may feel more energetic and the morning sickness may start to improve.
4th month: Your baby's facial features are starting to take shape and their arms and legs are getting longer. You may start to feel your baby move, which is called "quickening."
5th month: Your baby's senses, such as hearing and taste, are developing. Your belly is getting bigger and you may start to feel more uncomfortable.
6th month: Your baby's skin is starting to become smooth and their hair is growing. You may have to start wearing maternity clothes.
7th month: Your baby's organs, such as their lungs and liver, are continuing to mature. You may have more difficulty sleeping and may experience swelling in your feet and ankles.
8th month: Your baby is getting ready for birth and their head is settling into your pelvis. You may feel more pressure on your bladder and have contractions.
9th month: Your baby is getting ready to be born and their head is usually facing down towards the birth canal. You will have regular check-ups with your healthcare provider to monitor your progress.
Next step on the journey:
Learn Natural Solutions to Common Discomforts of Pregnancy