Potential Stress on a newborn's spine after a long labor.
Upper cervical misalignment at birth severely affects the verticalization of the body and development of brain and motor function. This is called KISS (Kinematic Imbalance due to Suboccipital Strain). This happens when the infant experiences a significant amount of stress in the delivery process. Typically, long-term pushing during delivery, forceps or vacuum extraction of infant, breech or sunny side up presentation, C-Section delivery, or long term emotional or physical stress during pregnancy.
The infant may show only minor symptoms in the early months of their lives, e.g. a temporary fixation of the head in one position, colic before or after feeding, latching issues during breast feeding (one or both sides) or flattening of the skull on one side.
Major signs and symptoms:
Tilted posture of the head, torticollis
Head held in extension, unable to lie on the back
Uniform sleeping posture; the child cries if the mother tries to change its position
Asymmetric motor patterns, asymmetric posture of trunk and extremities
Asymmetry of cranium, swelling of one side of the facial soft tissues
Associated signs and symptoms:
Sleeping disorders; the baby wakes up crying every hour
Extreme sensitivity of the neck
Asymmetries of the gluteal muscles
Asymmetric development and range of movement of the hips
Colic with no known reason
Constantly crying and visible discomfort without apparent infection
Fever of unknown origin, lack of appetite
This is a correctable syndrome, and when caught early can leave no permanent effect to the child's normal neurological development. Please seek the help of a pediatric chiropractor for any further questions.
Treatment The manual adjustment is the most common, followed by an instrument adjustment. This removes the neurological stress, re-balances the muscles and normal head position. Usually, a dramatic change can be seen directly after the appropriate adjustment has been given. Dr. Josh has many postgraduate classes and works extensively with perinatal clients, conception to 1 year old.