Dr. Josh has lived in area since 1998 with is wife, Joline, and 4 children who love the outdoors. Before moving, I was living in Seattle in 1997, Grunge Music and flannel capital of the world. I liked it but the weather and rain became too much for me. As a rock climber and adventure athlete the moist weather was not so welcomed, and I found myself traveling everywhere else to find dry rock and lands.
"Tahoe" people whispered... There was this story of a "Dream Land" of trees, crystal clear lakes, snow and rock climbing everywhere. I had to check it out and find out if Shangri-La was real. So, on a weekend whim, I drove 14 hours to the Lake Tahoe and the Carson Valley. I remember the first time I saw the Sierra Mountain Range and Lake Tahoe, I had to pinch myself, there was nothing like this in Cleveland or Seattle. The sky was so blue I just stared at it for hours wondering how it was possible. I knew that I'd found home. I still feel the same way 24 years later. When Joline and I had our first child, we found out she was breech, and had a scheduled C-Section. After that traumatic experience I found out that chiropractic had a solution, called the Webster Technique. I committed my life to prenatal chiropractic and started the journey to being a Doctor of Chiropractic that year, with a Pediatric and Perinatal Focus. With the help of chiropractic, many natural and holistic providers, Joline, had 3 VBAC's at home with a team of Doulas and Midwifes. Now, 15 years later, I still have the same passion to create a Safe Haven where women can choose their birth journey free from scrutiny and expectations. I hope that you know that I'm here to help. Send me a message, on email, text or Facebook. We can video chat if you have any questions or you can join our Facebook Group and engage with others who are on their journey to health and wellness. I'm Here for you. Dr. Josh |
Doctor Stuff: